Jumper | Style & Inspiration

Recently I’ve been feeling like a superwoman. Like I can do absolutely anything I set my mind to. With no doubt, this is possible, but realistically, I don’t think I would ever have the man power, nor the time capacity to do it. Don’t you ever feel like you can do anything and everything? You […]

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Not Just Jeans | Style

The countless hours we spend in the changing rooms, trying multiple styles of the same colour of jeans, just to see which of them make our greatest “asset” look the best? Yes, we have all been there ladies… Men you too! Ever wonder why there’s just one pair of jeans you love. That pair of […]

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Burgundy | Style

Now that summer has finally arrived, the transitioning between winter and summer colours usually change. What use to be dark, warm colours are now bright luminous colours. This trend has seen probably the past 2 years. But why? I’ve asked myself this over the past few weeks and I some how feel that winter colours […]

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YOU Spec & Huisgenoot Awards 2016

Every year I attend the glitzy YOU Spectacular and Huisgenoot Awards held at the amazing Emperors Palace. This year however, I was pretty disappointed in the structure of the event itself. There weren’t many performances, which was a big deal for me as I would usually look forward to them each year.   Never-the-less, I tried […]

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